1. Install all recommended plugins
Unless you are familiar with WordPress and our themes, it is recommended to install ALL required plugins including the suggested list which appears in admin panel and built-in plugins in the package (unzip the .zip package and find in /Installation Files/ folder)

2. Install for the First Time
When first installed, you will see the blog at the front page. Congratulation! You can start writing posts now by going to Posts > Add New. Click on each box below to know the layout. But don't stop here, go to next steps for more advanced configurations

3. Start Configuring (Theme Options)
Go to Appearance > FAST to see theme information and other materials
Appearance > Theme Options is where you do global settings including layout, font, color and other settings. Settings are organized in different tabs which affect different pages. For example, General tab contains site-wide sittings while Archives tab contains settings for archives pages only (i.e. blog, category, tag, author, search pages)

4. Learn Full Layout Map
Below is the layout map of a Front Page when it is fully configured. This is really important for further steps, so click on each box to learn about it. Come back here if you have trouble understanding the layout ;)

5. Setup Static Front Page
The Fast seems boring. If you want to have a more complex front page (like our demo pages), you will need to configure Static Front Page. There are 2 steps:
- Create two new pages in WordPress (under Pages > Add new), and publish them
For the purpose of demonstration, we’ll call these “Home” (for the Front, or Home page) and “Blog” (for the Blog page) - Go to Settings > Reading Settings, and under “Front page displays”, click the radio button for A static page
Select “Home” in the first dropdown box (for Front page) and select “Blog” in the second dropdown box. Save the changes. Now “Home” is the first page users will see when they visit your site domain, and “[your-site-domain]/blog” will be the blog page

6. Create More Complex Front Page
Time to move on! Make sure you have done Step 5. as we will continue from there. Edit Home page and start doing configuration
- Choose Front Page template for this page. (It is not required, but you will have more settings for the Front Page)
Choose Front Page template to enable extra settings
- Front Page Settings boxes will appear under the content editor. Use these boxes to configure the Front Page.
Theme Options is where you do all the global configuration.
- Now refer back to Step 4., you will see that our Front Page is built based on Widgets and Shortcodes.
- Go to Appearance > Widgets and drag widgets into appropriate sidebars described in Step 4. Here are the list of available widgets. You can use shortcodes inside widgets by using a Text Widget (default WordPress widget) or HTML Widget (Black Studio TinyMCE Widget plugin is recommended)
Appearance > Widgets - Use appropriate widgets in appropriate sidebars
- In Front Page Content Settings box, set Content to This Page Content.
Choose Front Page Content
- Now start adding shortcodes into page content. Here are the list of available shortcodes
If you are not familiar with Shortcodes or Visual Composer plugin (included in the package), check out this video below. You use just want to list all posts, set Front Page Content Settings > Content to Blog (Latest Posts) - Remember that, if you cannot find an option to configure in Front Page settings boxes, check again in Appearance > Theme Options
- Go to Appearance > Widgets and drag widgets into appropriate sidebars described in Step 4. Here are the list of available widgets. You can use shortcodes inside widgets by using a Text Widget (default WordPress widget) or HTML Widget (Black Studio TinyMCE Widget plugin is recommended)
- Now check back Front Page, does it look like our demo page? Try to change the settings, you will see (almost) unlimited number of combinations for your Front Page. Happy configuring!
7. Tips and Tricks
- Each post, page and category has it own settings boxes (which we call Metadata). Those settings are able to override settings in Theme Options. That's why you will see some posts, pages or categories are different from the others
- If you want to control the appearance of Widgets (ie. to be appeared in this page and hidden in other pages), use Widget Logic plugin. Check this post to learn about Widget Logic
- To improve performance
- Install W3 Total Cache plugin
- Go to Performance > General Settings > Import/Export Settings and import the sample configuration file located in [your-download-package]/Sample Data/w3-total-cache-settings.php
- Install EWWWW Image Optimizer plugin to optimize uploaded images
- If you do not use a plugin, disable it
- Full features can be seen here Full document
Use the keyboard ;)
Social Accounts
To configure this section, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Social Accounts